Geo3Conseil is a French company showing a proven and widely acknowledged technical expertise in drilling Geomechanics. It provides operational as well as RD&I activity services to succeed in Exploration & Development of well drilling projects, or Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage projects in depleted O&G reservoirs.


​Combining a unique expertise in integrated wellbore stability modelling with a world-class proprietary advanced simulation software platform WBS©, Geo3Conseil is in the position to provide streamlined, high-quality services to meet the challenges of its clients.


Geo3Conseil produces the right geomechanical input data for complex geomodels reliably 3D-predicting the behavior of rock formations to next upcoming Appraisal or Development wells, CCUS reservoir rocks answer to iterative large-scale injection-depletion cycles over time, or simulating the sliding & the hydraulical behavior of faults contained in or bordering reservoirs while injecting fluids at depth.


Working alongside Virgil Dynamics, worldwide expertise and know-how of the Partners covers key topics in Geomechanics, Geosciences, Geology & Digital systems to address drilling optimization issues & characterization of subsurface resources.


As part of the energy transition, Geo3Conseil is extensively involved in responsible and sustainable innovation projects to mitigate climate change impacts associated with global warming. As part of this commitment, the Consortium has joined the partners of the start-up KALYOSPHERE, delegatee of the valorization of the GEOTREF research project, whose objective is to carry out prefeasibility studies as a preliminary to drilling, based on digital conceptual models associated with phenomenological modeling and optimization of the layout of the wells.